Can the internet help with your mental health?

Here are our top 6 suggestions
We all have days where we are feeling particularly low, stressed or anxious; sometimes it goes after a day or so, other times it can linger for longer. There are a number of ways a broadband connection can help boost your mood and positively impact your mental (and physical) health. Here’s our top suggestions:
1) Connect with loved ones
We all have those days where we can't face leaving the house, or even getting out of our pyjamas. With an abundance of video calling options, you can stay connected to your family and friends from the comfort of your home. You don't even need to talk to each other, stick the same film on and watch it together through the call. If you both have a Netflix account, try downloading Teleparty, formerly known as Netflix Party, so you can watch your favourite series in sync.
2) Stream your favourite film or TV series
During lockdown, did you find yourself rewatching the same films or TV shows? This can actually help you destress as there is no new information to absorb, no shocking twists or cliff hangers and no need to predict what happens next. Instead, it is familiar, safe and restores a sense of control.
3) Recharge with the right apps It might seem counter-intuitive, but there are a range of apps designed specifically to help you regroup and recharge. Apps such as Headspace or Calm can help reduce your stress and anxiety levels by focusing on meditation and mindfulness. So why not try and use your phone to disconnect from everything around you and focus on yourself.
4) On-demand and live classes It’s no secret that exercise can help boost your mood. The choice of online classes are endless, from yoga to boxing, free classes to subscriptions, it has never been easier to work out from the comfort of your home. It’s important to remember to take it easy and not add any unnecessary additional pressure on yourself.
5) Read your positive affirmations Sometimes we all need to challenge our negative thought process, and positive affirmations can do just that. Starting your day with a positive mindset or having go-to affirmations ready for when you need them might just turn your day around completely. Apps like ThinkUp or Mantra can help you reset your thought process at the touch of a button.
6) Learn something new Have you always wanted to become a star baker, advance your professional knowledge or learn a new language? There are so many opportunities to learn new skills online; from YouTube videos to paid for webinars, and they can flexibly fit in with your day-to-day lifestyle too.
It is important to have a balance between the time you spend online and offline; you need to do what’s right for you. New online features can help you find the balance with time limit settings. For example, you can set a daily time limit on Instagram and the app will tell you when you have reached it, or your phone can limit the use of any social or streaming apps past a certain time. Why not try these six suggestions and see if you notice a positive impact.