Join together and bring superfast fibre to Bovingdon green

Swish Fibre are proud to be working alongside the UK Government, supporting the Gigabit Broadband voucher scheme, to bring Full Fibre Broadband to people experiencing slow broadband speeds in rural areas. The scheme helps Swish Fibre to deliver the UK’s fastest Full Fibre broadband network direct to you, with no risk or additional cost to you.
What is the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme?
The purpose of the Scheme is to increase the speed of deployment of full fibre networks within the UK by providing micro-grants to rural areas to support the cost of new connectivity.
Vouchers are the mechanism the Scheme uses to provide these grants which have a minimum value of £500.
For residential beneficiaries there is a maximum value of £1500 (including VAT) and for SMEs the maximum value is £3500 (excluding VAT). SME beneficiaries will have to pay the VAT on the connection charge, but this can be claimed back if the business is VAT registered.
Eligibility criteria for Broadband Voucher Scheme
For SMEs and Residential Beneficiaries;
Must be on at least a 12-month contract.
Do not have an existing 100Mbps capable network installed to your premise.
Do not have a fibre leased line installed to your property already.
Are not a public sector organisation, school funded by the Department of Education, a privately funded school for those aged 3-18 or, an organisation solely involved in offering provision under the requirement for young people to remain in education or training until their 18th birthday.
Additional criteria for SMEs only;
The business must only have up to 249 employees an annual turnover no greater than £36 million and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding £18 million.
The business has not received more than 325,000 Special Drawing Rights (SDR) in public grants in the last 3 years (note April 2021, 1 SDR = ~£0.97).
Click here for the full eligibility criteria.
Click here for the full DCMS Beneficiary Terms and Conditions.